Accessories and Supplies in Northumberland County and Beyond
Visit the Spectacular Water Systems showroom for a wide selection of supplies and accessories for all your water needs. Our friendly staff is here to help you.

Self-fill Water Station
Purchase new bottles or bring your own.
New bottles available in 3 sizes - 18.9 L, 11.35 L or 8 L.
Sanitize your bottles, fill and cap included.
Your choice of alkaline or reverse osmosis water.

UV bulbs/quartz sleeves for Trojan/UV Max, Sterilight UV’s, UV Dynamics, Omni UV6, and selected Wedeco and Wyckamor products
Ballast/Controller for most common systems.
Filters in three sizes, 10”, 9 7/8” and 20” lengths compatible to most pre-filters from 1 micron through to 50 micron, inline filters carbon/sediment and carbon filters, Kinetico drinking water filters, membranes.
“Big Blue” filters in 10” and 20” sizing.
Water Softener Salt, Rust Free and Potassium Chloride.
Water treatment additives including Rust Out, Rescare, Chlorsan, Bleach, Potassium Permanganate, and Hydrogen Peroxide.
Reverse Osmosis replacement faucets.
Water Treatment parts, limited plumbing parts.

Featuring Life Spa Products
Hot tub chemistry products, Roto Spa filters, Nature 2 cartridge
Peroxysan, Bromine, Chlorine sanitizers
Covers, lifters, handrails, floaters, scumballs
Free Instore Water Testing for Hot Tubs!